A slow period in your business can feel discouraging and stressful if you are not prepared for the rollercoaster of peaks and plains. But with some imagination and a reenvisioning of the situation, a dip in productivity could be just what you and your business need to thrive in the coming days.
Reframing changes how you look at something. Changing how you look at something can, in turn, change your experience of it. Psychologically speaking, the concept of reframing identifies an experience, event, or situation and works to restructure the instinctual ideas and emotions associated with it. This changes - or reframes - the way the event is experienced.
If the idea of a slow season or “slump” causes you stress and anxiety, it is a good idea to develop a practice of reframing the period as an opportunity to rest, reset, and take time to strategize. Instead of allowing yourself to feel demoralized or mired in the negative thought of “business is down,” you can reframe the thoughts and feelings accompanying your profits dip. Consider instead: “this slow period is giving me the time I needed to focus on the company’s long-term goals.”
If a dip in sales or profits occurs, reframe your disappointment. The slower month(s) might be an excellent opportunity to take a breather and refocus your energy on creative endeavors like brainstorming.