A while ago, I was at breakfast with some friends. The topic of priorities came up. How do we prioritize both life and our businesses? At times, it feels like my life is my business. One of my friends spoke about her commitment to physical fitness. Another friend talked about his attending church weekly to maintain his spiritual life. It made me think what do I prioritize to benefit my life?
After that discussion and taking some inventory, I realized that my triathlons are my release; they keep me sane and are something aside from my business. I then decided to dedicate a certain amount of money each month to racing. This money would go toward race fees and my bike maintenance. By making a real effort to put money aside, I made these triathlons a true priority in my life.
When you make the time for something other than your business in your life, you actually become a better business owner. You have more balance and there is a correlation between YOUR sanity and the health of your business. The healthier you are, the healthier your business will be.
Setting these priorities in your life can be simple. You do not need go out and train for a marathon or take up a new religion (unless you want to). But rather you can make the steps to eat better or maybe eat better and outside your office. Small things like eating your lunch in some fresh air can go a long way in making your days feel energized. Whatever it is that you love or want to do, find a way to include it somehow. Perhaps, you have a laundry list of things. Take one at a time and see how fitting just one in works. Over time, you can transition to a new one or once you make one a routine, a new one can be added.
There is a lot of talk about there about being mindful and intentional with your time, business, and relationships. Those are great buzzwords, but it is simple...what are your priorities? What activity could you add to your life that would bring more balance and well-being to you? It can be exercise, faith-based, or small lifestyle changes like nutrition. In any case, think about it. Just like the clients you serve and make a priority, make yourself a priority. Write down what you want to do, add it to your calendar, talk to your friends to gain accountability…make it happen. I know that you and your business will gain from it!
Visit www.freedom-makers.com for some great tips on time management to help incorporate your priorities.
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